Mormon Moviegoers is a collective of LDS film reviewers helping you to make informed decisions about Hollywood films. It was founded by family counselor Jonathan Decker (of Ask a Mormon Therapist).
Miguel, a young boy who wants nothing more than to be a musician, finds himself transported to the Land of the Dead and has to team up with his ancestors to find a way back to the Land of the Living.
First thing about this movie: the animation will completely blow you away. Pixar goes above and beyond what they’ve already accomplished with Monster’s Inc. and Finding Nemo to create a world that is colorful, warm, and real. I would see this movie for the gorgeous renderings even if every other aspect of the movie was bad. Luckily for us, that isn’t the case.
Though the main plot line of this movie is about the afterlife, that shouldn’t deter you from going and taking your children. Pixar has managed to do something that I’ve never really seen before by creating a wonderfully warm movie about death. It’s a tale that Pixar tells with smart humor and just the right amount of whimsicality, creating a world where incredible things are possible and there’s always light in the world as long as you remember where you came from.
Coco is rated PG for thematic elements. The film’s main storyline revolves around death, and a majority of the characters in the film are dead and portrayed as skeletons. While (spoiler!) everything ends up fine in the end the movie does have darker moments that could be upsetting to some younger children, I did take my 5-year-old nephew with me and he didn’t have any problems with the subject material or visuals.
This film is very much about family and the importance of remembering those who have passed on. See “The Importance of a Name” by Elder M. Russel Ballard for doctrine to discuss with loved ones. Another key message is that death is not the end of our existence (see “What After Death?” by Elder LeGrand Richards).
For movie night recommendations and Gospel discussion guides, order 250 Great Movies for Latter-day Families, available in paperback and Kindle.
Lindsi currently works for BYU in the Theatre and Media Arts department, and is a freelance technical director and stage manager for several theatre companies in the Utah Valley area. In her free time she loves photography, stand up paddle-boarding, running 5k’s, reading, spoiling her nieces and nephews, and (you guessed it!) watching movies. For more of Lindsi’s writing visit