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Editors’ Note from Maurine and Scot Proctor: We would call this a don’t-miss movie. It is refreshing to see Hollywood do so well with a story centered on the resurrection. Though the premise is fictional, the story brings to light thoughts and feelings of devotion to the Savior that are rarely seen on the big screen.
A Roman military tribune is tasked with finding the body of Jesus Christ in order to squash rumors of the Resurrection.
After the dual disappointments of Noah and Exodus: Gods and Kings, this film is a refreshing reminder of how good biblical movies can be when they’re done right. A near-perfect marriage of Hollywood quality and spiritual sincerity, Risen is the year’s first must-see film. Skillfully directed by Kevin Reynolds (The Count of Monte Cristo, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves) and strongly acted (especially by Luther star Joseph Fiennes), it boasts gorgeous production values and a lovely musical score.
Best of all is the smart screenplay that affirms the faith of believers while delivering a moving story about one man’s quest for peace that skeptics can attach to. The only misstep is in portraying Mary Magdelene as a reformed harlot, a notion based on tradition, not scripture. Still, this is gripping, thought-provoking, gritty, and emotionally raw, with a spiritual subtlety missing from so many religious epics. The film also earns bonus points for casting an actor as Christ who actually looks Hebrew. Risen is not to be missed.
Risen is rated PG-13. It has no foul language, nudity, or sexuality. There is mention of a character being a “woman of the street.” There is one intense battle scene between Hebrews and Romans, with persons killed with stones, arrows, and swords, but it’s mostly bloodless. We see mean screaming and whimpering on their crosses as well as brief glimpses of decomposing bodies.
With all the violence and hatred in the world, lasting peace only comes through following Christ and his teaching to love your enemies (see Matthew 5:43-44). Seeing is not believing; doubt can only be overcome through faith (see Ether 12:6). Jesus Christ suffered and died for our sins, and he was resurrected to allow us all to live again (see Mosiah 3:5-12).
Interested in Risen? Try these underrated Bible films as well!
Get suggestions for family viewing, along with reviews and discussion guides, in my book 250 Great Movies for Latter-day Families, available in paperback and Kindle.